This is the online version of the HexTweaks documentation.

Embedded images and patterns are included, but not crafting recipes or items. There's an in-game book for those.

Additionally, this is built from the latest code on GitHub. It may describe newer features that you may not necessarily have, even on the latest CurseForge version!

Entries which are blurred are spoilers. Click to reveal them, but be aware that they may spoil endgame progression. Alternatively, click here to get a version with all spoilers showing.

Hex Notebook

I seem to have discovered a new method of magical arts, in which one draws patterns strange and wild onto a hexagonal grid. It fascinates me. I've decided to start a journal of my thoughts and findings.

Forum Link

A list of all the patterns I've discovered, as well as what they do.

Hextweaks Dictionary

Dictionary Iotas

Dictionary are a type of iota added by HexTweaks, similar to a portable akashic record although limited to 32 indexes,
the type key indicates any type except dictionaries or list
(as they cannot be used as keys)

Clerk's Vacant Reflection (→ dict)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaq

Pushes a new empty dictionary to the stack

Clerk's Distillation ([key],[any] → dict)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqeqdweeew

Turns two list into a dictionary, same rules apply (invalid keys get their values dropped)

Clerk's Decomposition (dict → [key],[any])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqdwqqqwae

Breaks a dictionary into list of keys and values

Clerk's Decomposition II (dict → key,value)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqdwqqqwq

Breaks only the first value (and drops the others)

Clerk's Abacus Purification (dict → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqeewaqaeaq

consumes a dictionary and return it's size (cannot be more then 32 (default)

Clerk's Integration Exaltation (dict, key, any → dict)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqdqedqde

Adds the key/value pair to the dictionary (dictionary remains on stack)

Clerk's Surgeon's Exaltation (dict, key → dict, any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqdadeeed

Gets the value from the dictionary using key (dictionary remains on stack)

Clerk's Excisor's Distillation (dict, key → dict)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqeqdd

Removes a key from the dictionary (dictionary remains on stack)

Clerk's Thoths Gambit ([patterns],dict → [any])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqwaqedadad

Thoths, but dictionary, pushes key,value to the top of the stack instead of a single value (value highest)

Hextweaks utility

Progress Gambit

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqaw

Turns the spellbook that your are holding one page to the right

Regress Gambit

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eedw

Turns the spellbook that your are holding one page to the left

Iterators Purification (Number → [Number])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wdwaw

Takes a number and returns all number 0 to n-1 (produces n values)

Patterns and actions that perform a magical effect on the world.

Nadir of Nausea

Nadir of Nausea (entity, number, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: weed

Inflicts nausea. Base cost is one Amethyst Dust per 4 seconds.

The spells catalogued here are purported to be of legendary difficulty and power. They seem to have been recorded only sparsely (for good reason, the texts claim). It's probably just the hogwash of extinct traditionalists, though-- a pattern's a pattern. What could possibly go wrong?

Natural Search

Natural Search (Entity, Vec →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqewawqwqedawdweewaeqwawdaqwdewawdadwawqwawdadwaw

Takes a Ancient Scroll and a Budding amethyst and searches for a random Grand spell

Suspicious Glyph

Suspicious Glyph

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dewdeqwwedaqedwadweqewwd

It appears to be a pattern, I wonder what happens if I cast it

Grand Spells are spells that are truly lost
this means that they have to be fished from nature
Sadly I am gonna have to sacrifice a Media Source and a Ancient scroll to even try

Mass Mindflay

sacrifices some mobs and performs a ritual using them
I cannot cast this by hand
I have some notes on this

Reroll Pattern

takes a Entity (Ancient/Crystallized scroll) and changes the pattern upon it
the cost increasing exponentially with the each cast

From my research it appears that I would need a mass of living media.
Villagers, from experience, serve as a good high-density source of media. Minimally-trained villagers contribute minimally to the ritual, with each level they gain doubling their contribution.
It also appears that there is a natural order, with the ones requiring the most sacrifices being performed over lower-cost ones.
It also appears that only one ritual can be performed per each cast.

Collapse Slipway

Collapse Slipway

takes a position which must be a slipway.
consumes a master

Create Slipway

Create Slipway

takes a position which is where the slipway will be created, The location must be empty
consumes 5 masters